
Friday, March 26, 2010

My First Bread

Ater baking a few cakes, I thought, why not bake bread?! I turned to aayisrecipes.com and decided to try her Cumin Bread.

I modified the recipe slightly. Here's the recipe:

To 1 cup warm water, add 1 tbsp unsalted butter (room temperature), 1/2 tsp sugar, 2 tsp olive oil and 2 and 1/4 tsp (1 packet) of active dry yeast.

Set aside for 10 minutes till yeast turns frothy.

Add 1 tsp roasted cumin seeds, 1 tsp salt, 1 and 1/2 cups whole wheat flour, 1 and 1/2 cups all purpose flour. [ The original recipe calls for 2 cups all purpose flour and 1 cup wheat flour].

Knead really well, adding a little water if necessary. Cover and set aside in a vessel greased with oil, for 2 hours. The dough will almost double in size.

Using a rolling pin, roll the dough into a rectangular shape.

Starting along one side, roll up the dough into a loaf, pinching the seams to hold the loaf together.

 Roll over so that the seams are at the bottom. Apply olive oil around the loaf, cover and set aside for an hour. The loaf will increase in size.

Make slits on top.

Bake at 500 F for half an hour. Shilpa suggests adding butter after 15 mts and baking for another 15mts. I skipped the butter and the bread did not turn all that brown. But I have no complaints!

The bread turned out very tasty. Like Shilpa calls it, 'crusty on the outside, soft on the inside'.

Sending the entry to The YeastSpotting event.

On another note, MD was nice enough to shower the Sunshine Blog award on apycooking.

I would like to pass this award to all the new food bloggers, who started their blog in 2010, adding more sunshine to the blogworld! If you are one of them, please accept this award.


  1. Hey Aparna.. your bread looks professional!! Haven't tried yeast baking yet.. Maybe I should! :)

    Congratulations for the award! I just noticed it on MD's blog today! And thanks for sharing it with all new bloggers.. including moi! ;)

    Cheers and 'appy baking!

  2. doesnt look like its your first exp in making bread aparana, looks so perfect and so good...home made bread is always the best ,even i have to try it now...thanks for sharing & congraz on your awards, i hope u get lots more in future too

  3. Looks tempting and perfect..

  4. Hi Aparna, thanks for dropping by, I hope u will keep visiting.
    I had bookmarked this bread from Shilpa's space and has been in my list to do for a long time.
    Your bread has really turned out well, and now I must try mine.

  5. Congrats Apy for the award :) u deserve it ! Beautiful layout , good photography and perfect details !

    Bread looks so good .I dont know whats stopping me from trying .Maybe soon i will, after seeing ur successful attempt .

  6. Great job on the bread dear...looks perfect! Congrats on all your awards :)

  7. Ur first bread turned out successful i guess, looks great! Congrats on ur award!

  8. Congrats Aparna on the award. Lovely attempt at the bread. It is perfectly cooked and clicked. Luv the color.

  9. Congrats on the awards. The bread looks so crusty, I can have it with a bit of garlic butter. I stick to buns and banana bread(cake), should try this soon.

    Have a good weekend.

  10. Your bread looks lovely crusty and golden brown.

  11. Your first bread turned out lovely! Are you getting ready for the next one?

  12. Congrats on ur first award and looking forward for more and more to come on ur blog!

  13. Perfect jalla go Aparna. Shanti kai shikai. Next time Mangaloreka yettana taste karta. Very good attempt. Looks really nice.Congrats on your first award!.That calls for a celebration!

  14. Bread luks perfectly baked :) nice one

  15. first time here dear,,you got nice space with good recipes,,, Congrats on ur awards dear... bread turned out perfect dear,,, i like homemade breads,buns n cakes,,its good na making ourself at home,,,am happy to follow ur blog dear,,

  16. wow Apy this is awesome. I am planning to move somewhere close to you if you promise me all this yummy treat!!!!
