
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Announcing 'My Favorite Recipe' Event

We food bloggers blog for a reason. Or several reasons. And we have our own favorite recipes. Which are our favorite for a reason. Or several reasons.

They could be our favorite because they never let us down. Or because they make our loved ones happy. Or we never imagined in our wildest dreams that we would attempt such a difficult recipe, but we did.
Or they are quick and simple recipes which we can always depend on during those busy days. 

Or they remind us of a memorable day or person. Oh, there could be so many reasons!

'My Favorite Recipe' event brings together our favourite recipes of the month. To participate, you need to :

Pick one (and only one) favorite recipe of all the recipes that you posted in your food blog in the month of August.
Link this announcement in your post.
Send your entry to apy.mail@gmail.com with the subject 'My Favorite Recipe' with the following details :
  • Name 
  • Blog Name
  • Recipe
  • Recipe URL
  • Reason why it is the most favorite (one sentence) 
  • Picture of the dish
The entry should be sent between Aug 31 and Sep 10, 2010. As mentioned earlier, please send only ONE entry per blog. The recipes need not be original.

Looking forward to your favorite recipe posted in the month of August!


  1. hey apy ,happy hosting dear ...very interesting theme ...i will send mine soon


  2. We all have a few of these don't we ?
    will definitely send some..

  3. Hey Aparna..thats a lovely idea..count me in..will send my favourite recipe form Aug 2010 archive

  4. Apy, nice idea, please do clarify once again that our favorite recipe has to be one of the many recipes we might have posted in August 2010 only.

  5. Ooh.. nice idea for an event. And I already know which recipe it is for me!! :) Will send it in asap!

  6. Hey, thats a real new and different event.
    I am in.

  7. Apy, I have added this to my list of events :)

  8. hi apy,just sent u my entry ,hope u recvd it ..thanx ..cheers sonal
