
Saturday, August 7, 2010

Baked Yellow Squash Treats

Yellow squash is a great source of vitamin C. Flax Seeds are rich in Omega 3 Fatty acids. When I saw a recipe that included both and used whole wheat flour and the goodness of honey, I almost jumped with joy. This solved my problem of what to give my toddler as an evening snack.

I love the look and taste of yellow squash. I think it is the cutest vegetable and I usually toss it into my soup or pasta.

Flax seeds (also called 'alsi' in hindi) was something I wanted to use in my cooking for a very long time. Since my husband and son are both vegetarian, this would be a good way of consuming the Omega 3 fatty acids which are predominant in fish oils.

A couple of things though. The recipe called for whole wheat pastry flour. I did not know what that meant, and did not bother to find out and just went ahead and used whole wheat flour. Probably that made a difference. The cookies that they were supposed to be, turned out soft and the taste and texture was more of a cake. But the taste was great and my son loved it! So when I made the second batch I altered the method a little bit. Read on.

Ingredients :
2 cups whole wheat flour (check original recipe )
1tsp baking powder
1/2  tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
2 eggs
1/3 cup honey
4 to 5 tbsp oil
2 tsp vanilla
2 cups greated yellow squash
2tbsp ground flax seeds

Preheat oven to 375F.
Combine all the dry ingredients.
In a separate bowl, beat eggs, mix well with honey, oil and vanilla.

Add the dry ingredients, squash and flax seeds and mix well.

Grease a baking tray (cookie sheet). Divide the dough into 2 or 3 batches. 
Spread the batter evenly across the sheet like so:

Bake for 12 to 15 mts or until top has browned slightly. Repeat for the next batch.

Cool and cut into desired shapes. I first cut them in squares and then realized I have a heart shaped cutter. 

When I offered these treats to my toddler in a bowl, he went straight for the hearts! 

My friend Michelle makes something similar, with bananas. The proportions may vary, but just thought I'd let you know so you could try it, in case yellow squash is not available/ liked. (Not sure how it will turn out for this recipe since I haven't tried it but if you do, do let me know ). She calls them banana fritters and she roasts them on both sides on the pan, instead of baking them. So there, you don't really need an oven. I did not know what to call these, so called them treats. Any suggestions are welcome.

The treats hop on to 'Only Kid's Delight'.


  1. thats a very nice recipe..innovative n perfect
    loved the cute heart sape :)

  2. this looks so yummy, must try, but am not sure if we get yellow squash in chennai

  3. yeah , I thought it was a cake :).. looks damn good

  4. yummy bake dear,very unique and luks very nice..

  5. Its so innovative Apy.... I loved it :) nd its totally interesting :)

  6. Very gorgeous and healthy treats. You have a nice space with interesting recipes. Glad to follow u :):)


  7. yellow squash..wheat flour..honey..cinnamony..differently interesting!! :)

  8. wow very innovative dear...very new n interesting combo ...bookmarked ,must try it ..thanks for sharing


  9. Lovely presentations dear.... just love it...

  10. Very innovative recipe..looks so cute.

  11. very nice recipe...innovative and perfect

  12. Hey aparna,
    sorry couldn't get back 2 you earlier
    I used the 8 oz ramekins for making the veg pie.
    hope u get a chance 2 try it out , let me know when u do :)

  13. wow dear, that is a very new prep for me. Loving the treats :)

  14. Nice dish, adding flax seeds enhance the goodness of recipe.

  15. Bookmarked this recipe. Sounds like a health snack!

  16. Those look really cute.. and squash is such an unexpected ingredient here! Cheers!

  17. Nice recipe, looks tempting and yummy.

  18. Sorry I got here so late. :)
    These hearts look quite interesting. Never knew you could bake squash like this.
    The recipe makes it look like a muffin-like quick bread.
    Maybe you could call them Yellow Squash Heart Cakes. :)
