
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Eggless Microwave Apple Walnut Cake

This is definitely not the best apple cake recipe. But I still love it. Because this is my first real experiment with a cake!

I have baked a few cakes till date. I have followed the recipes from books or blogs, usually to a T, and even if I did make changes, they were minor ones, like excluding nuts, replacing maida with whole wheat, halving the quantity or even combining two recipes to get the best out of them.

This cake however was something I suddenly thought of making. After making Apple Kheer in the microwave, I thought, why not make apple cake! I have eaten apple cakes before and have always enjoyed their combination with nuts, specially walnuts. This thought and my 'No Bake Cake 'event, along with my little experience of baking, urged me to try my hand at making this cake. I just went on mixing the ingredients - tasting and adjusting as I brought each of them together, wondering if they would do their job. I dumped the fairly runny concoction into the microwave and waited with bated breath for those 5 minutes to pass. I probably did not take my eyes off the microwave for even a second (thank God my son was asleep!) And I literally jumped with joy when I saw that a cake was actually being formed! Yay!
The ten-minute wait for the cake to cool down was even harder. Finally when I tasted the cake, I felt good! Mind you, the cake is not crusty and soft and moist as an oven-baked one - after all, convection ovens are always the preferred way of cake making. But it sure is edible and is worth a try.

Ingredients :
1 apple
1 cup milk
1/4 cup oil
3/4 cup sugar
1 cup all purpose flour (maida)
1/2 tsp baking soda
2 tbsp chopped walnuts

Method :
Peel and grate the apple and microwave uncovered for 3 minutes.
In a large bowl pour milk (room temperature). Add oil and with a whisk, beat well. Add sugar and beat further. Add maida and baking soda and mix thoroughly, making sure no lumps are formed. Add the microwaved apple, nuts and mix well.

Liberally grease a large microwave safe bowl. (I used a rectangular glass vessel). Pour the batter. Make sure it is less than 2/3rds full.

Microwave uncovered for 5 to 6 minutes. Leave untouched for another 10 minutes. Let the cake cool down completely before you invert it onto a plate.

You could either ice the cake or bite into it just like that!

This post goes to my events :

Also sending this to Two for Tuesdays  and BSI - Milk


  1. wow...cake with apple....and of course walnuts..looking good..will try

  2. wow cake with apple...ofcourse walnuts too...looks goood..will try

  3. Very nice recipe.. thanks for sharing !!

  4. it looks yummy and cake has nutritious value too

  5. Wow this is so quick...Thanks for sharing this quick recipe...
    Hamaree Rasoi

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Microwaveable cakes are really cool n convenient..looks great!!

  8. Beautiful and scrumptious cake, looks yummy.

  9. Wow its so easy nd fast to make :)
    luks gr8 :)

  10. Very innovative dear....very easy and short time taking dish....loved the recipe...

  11. wow cake looks so soft n perfect ...love the concept of making cake in microwave n on top of that apple n walnut super combo ...yummy


  12. first time here..lovely space with delicious collection of recipes..

    Cake looks delectable..love those ingredients in the cake..great recipe..thanks!

  13. Thanks for your feedback Aparna. MV cake looks fabulous with my favorite ingredients. Slurpp.

  14. Microwave cakes comes in as a handy dessert. Looks super cool !!

  15. What a cool idea! It definitely sounds delicious! So glad you shared it w/ Two for Tuesdays this week =)

  16. Cake looks beautiful, love the addition of walnut

  17. Easily available ingredients. And a quick cake. I will surely try this one.

  18. Again, I love the combination of ingredients in this recipe. And using a microwave for a cake is something I've never considered...but the end result of your cake does tempt me :)

  19. Way to go out of your comfort zone and create this cake! Thanks for linking to Two for Tuesdays.

  20. Hy Aparna,
    Thanx for stopping by...!
    You have an awesome space here...fantastic clicks.
    I love this cake , looks absolutely amazing...:)
    Am your happy follower now...:)
    will be back to check upcoming posts...!

  21. My dear friend is always happy to see eggless recipes. Will pass this on. Thank you for linking to Two for Tuesday.

  22. Another great microwave recipe. Thanks for taking the time to document and share this. Great post.

  23. Wow! Another great recipe. I still can't get over how easy it is to make. The taste is just out of this world. Thanks Aparna!

  24. Mine became brown in colour.. Any idea why?
