
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Veggie-Cheese Kiddie Pasta

I love pasta and so do the two boys (viz. hubby and son). Everytime I go to the pasta aisle, I invariably spend a great deal of time trying to figure out which pasta to choose, from the large variety of shapes, sizes and nutritional content. On one such confused shopping venture, I happened to see a box of fun-shaped pasta. I had been looking for this at Trader Joe's - specially the ABC pastas, since my son has started recognizing some letters now. Unfortunately, Trader Joe's didn't have them. So I was happy to see this particular pasta box with butterflies in Safeway and picked it up. I couldn't wait to make the 'beefaay's and see the look on my son's face!

Only after coming home did i realize that along with butterflies the box also had some other bug shapes (uh-oh). Luckily my son recognizes just the butterflies and wouldn't think much of the others.

I put together a couple of veggies and some cheese to make the sauce. Well, I cannot actually call it a sauce, but I like it this way, since it would be great to pack it in his lunch-box when we go to the park or someplace where I can quickly feed him without worrying about the sauce dribbling all over.

This is a quick and simple recipe. You could  make your own variations and add more ingredients.

1 large carrot
1 zucchini
any other favorite vegetable
2 cups fun-shaped pasta (or any pasta)
1 tbsp butter
2 cheese slices (cheddar)
1 pinch black pepper
1 pinch garlic powder

Peel carrot and zucchini. Cook the pasta in salted boiling water, as per package instructions.

Meanwhile, in a large pan, melt butter and add chopped carrots. While they are roasting, chop zucchini and add. Saute for a few minutes. Add 1 cup water (I used the water used to boil pasta). Cook for a few minutes till the veggies are completely cooked. Add cheese.

Drain the pasta.

Add the pasta to the sauce. Toss in salt, pepper and garlic powder according to the spice level your child can handle.
Mix well and heat for 2 to 3 minutes.

My son was thrilled to see the butterflies. The pasta lasted him for a couple of meals. And I couldn't resist a bowl myself!
Sending this simple kiddie dish to this week's Presto Pasta Night, originally started by Ruth. Also sending this to Kids Lunch Box Treats.


  1. I love pasta and this looks irresistible :-)

  2. soooo cute...Not only kids, its a recipe for everyone!

  3. Apy, I made the exact same pasta on Tuesday as mac n cheese as my kid and a friend's kid wanted to have bug pasta... lol :)

  4. looks delish !cute presentation..

  5. Apy, the pasta looks definitely delicious....but I have fallen over the presentation..the lil cute dolls look so charming and attractive, I am feeling like to play with them....

  6. Apy, the pasta looks delicious. I liked the presentation.

  7. kiddie pasta looks yum, colourful one

  8. My little one loves pasta too..butterfly pasta looks cute..nice presentation!

    US Masala

  9. Ooh.. beefaays!! :D Your kid is adorable! :)

  10. It luks so colorful nd cute Apy.... M sure kiddo myt have loved it :)

  11. Wow They look so colorful and yummy!! I am sure kid will love this

  12. Lovely presentation !! i bet any kid will not make faces for not eating this :)
    i knw ..recipe though simple is tasty coz i too prepare the same way

  13. Cute looking pastas..kid's will definitely love this..

  14. Such a great delight for kids, looks yum..

  15. Those are cute and lovely pasta.

  16. Looks so cute. Kids will love them

  17. Pasta looks wonderful, delicious, colourful and yummy. Very beautiful presentation.

  18. surely a kids treat, looks really cute

  19. Such cute pasta and with veggies too. Ideal for the kids.

  20. Lovely!!Ideal for kids...N along with them i think i would be excited too when presented with this!!

  21. the pasta is sooo cuties....wish i got some in my place too....the addition of vegetables is cool...nice way to feed kids...

  22. looks mindblowing dear........deliciously yum n mouthwatering...nt only kids ..i m craving for some now..

  23. The way you have presented, pasta looks fab !!So colorful. I'm sure my son will lov this

  24. Cutie Pasta!!!Not only my kiddo but me too Wont mind a Bowl of it!!!!

  25. I know. It's a habit from my childhood of being fascinated with shapes and colours of pasta. Even now, I get as excited about them as my daughter does. :D

  26. I think even big kids would love this dish. And I know my little grandsons will wolf it down. Thanks for sharing with Presto Pasta Nights. Any pasta on the menu this week? I'm hosting.

  27. What is the brand that makes these pasta shapes?
