
Thursday, December 2, 2010

Carrot Pepper Rice (Microwaved)

Sometimes I wish there were 25 hours in a day so that I could devote a whole hour to my blog. But if I were granted even 30 hours a day, I'm sure I'd need just one more!

I'm typing out this post at 1 in the morning, after putting my son to bed a couple of hours ago and folding a truck load of clothes while watching my favourite show - Food Network Challenge. I find folding clothes one of the most boring things you could ever do and keep myself happy by watching something fun on TV.

Coming back to my post, this recipe is from Nita Mehta's Vegetarian Microwave Cookbook. The book was gifted to me by a friend (whose first name incidently happens to be Neeta. Not Mehta, Pai.) The dish is a quick solution to those busy days when you have neither time nor energy to cook anything elaborate.

1 cup rice (uncooked)
3 tbsp oil
1 onion
1 capsicum
1 carrot
1 tsp salt,
1/2 tsp pepper powder
1/2 tsp soy sauce

Soak rice for 15 to 20 minutes. Meanwhile chop onions, carrots and capsicum.

In a large microwave safe bowl (take the largest you have) mix oil, capsicum and carrot and microwave for 3 minutes. (I found the rice slightly oily so next time I will reduce the oil by a tablespoon)

Drain out all the water from the rice. Add this rice to the vegetables. Pour two cups water, salt, pepper and soy sauce.

Mix a bit and microwave covered for 13 minutes. Stir once in between.
This is what your rice will look like -

Leave untouched for 5 minutes. Mix well and serve hot.


  1. that's an easy and healthy looking rice. very easy to prepare too. i love the Indian Flag colour that u made.. super.

  2. Hi Aparna,

    The rice looks lovely...i also wish for the same thing dear...Clinic,home,toddler for me..You can imagine...but iam loving it...made lotsa friends too!!:)



  3. I wish that too Aparna. I sleep about 5 to 6 hours per day and then I run like crazy. This is a very easy and beautiful meal you made.

  4. Very nice...loved the granular texture of it..

  5. Mouthwatering rice and colourful too...!

  6. I also find folding washed clothes so boring ...do it while watching Tv. :-) this rice preparation sounds quick way to enjoy healthy meal.

    Hamaree Rasoi

  7. This is a very tasty dish. I too have tried this and blogged about it :)

  8. Thats an easy to make rice dish...looks lovely!

  9. Microwaved pepper rice looks delicious.

  10. Hi. I love quick preparations and I also hate folding clothes and normally fold it watching a program on TV or listening to songs.
    The rice looks simple and healthy, perfect quick meal.

  11. looks colorful and healthy! its amazing that you had the energy to post this recipe at 1 am after such a busy day!

  12. Kudos to you Apy! That is so like you. Absolutely no leaf is left unturned, especially in Apy's cooking world! Plus love the fact that you can change the recipe quite creatively to make it healthier. I will not be surprised when you come up with your own new cook book of zappable recipes after having mastered micro-wave cooking! You go girl!

  13. Hey Apu .....thats an easy and quick recipe.

  14. Aah.. yes your day does sound hectic! Your 1 am rice post still looks fabulous. I would have expected anyone to make big typos and 5 forgotten ingredients. :) Cheers!

  15. Hey pls do collect the best blogger award on my blog...thx for all ur support.

  16. Looks corlorful, healhty and delicious carrot rice.

  17. Dear Aparna
    How are you?
    This dish very new for me. I note the use of Soya sauce.I must try soon.
    Have a nice week
