
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Bhapa Doi

[Video Update on March 18, 2015:


Whenever I make Mishti Doi, I always make a mental note to try this dessert in the microwave or pressure cooker so that I could share the recipe with people without an oven. A friend recently asked me if this dish can be made in the microwave and I was trying hard to find some time to experiment. So imagine my surprise when I found a recipe for Bapa Doi in "Hawkin's All India Cookbook". The recipe was very similar to Mishti Doi except that milk was used instead of evaporated milk and the dish was steamed in the pressure cooker as opposed to baking in an oven. Just like I haven't tasted the authentic Mishti Doi, I haven't tried authentic Bapa Doi either, but for now, I will just go by this book.

I have made a couple of minor changes - the orginal recipe asks us to mix in some chopped nuts- almonds, pistachios and raisins, into the mixture before steaming. I did not add any nuts while steaming, but sprinkled a handful of chopped pistachios while serving. I also added some cardamom powder for an extra kick.

1 cup curd, beaten
1 cup milk
1 tin (400g) sweetened condensed milk

Chopped nuts (the recipe calls for 5 almonds, 10 pistachios and 5 raisins)
1/4 tsp cardamom powder

In a large bowl, beat together curd, condensed milk and milk. I used a handheld electric mixer. Beat for a few seconds till you see froth on top. Scrape the sides as you beat to make sure the ingredients have mixed well. Add nuts [I did not add] and mix well. Sprinkle cardamom powder (optional).
Pour into a 1 liter pudding mold or any vessel that goes in the cooker [ till 3/4th full]. Cover vessel tightly with grease-proof paper [I used aluminium foil].
Pour some water into the cooker. Place a grid or a perforated plate (plate with holes) into the cooker [this way the vessel will not tilt]. Place the vessel in the cooker. Close the cooker [do not put the whistle].
Turn the heat to medium-high or high and bring the cooker to full pressure, about 5 minutes. Reduce to medium low and cook for another 15 to 20 minutes.

Remove from heat and allow the cooker to cool completely. Remove the vessel. Bring to room temperature. Refrigerate for atleast 3 hours, or until you serve. [Doesn't taste great at room temperature].

If you did not mix nuts while cooking, sprinkle chopped nuts on top.

If you wish to invert the dish, place a serving plate on top of the vessel and invert. Pat lightly and gently remove the vessel.

I personally found Mishti Doi sweeter and tastier whereas my husband liked Bapa Doi better. Either ways, the easier versions of both these Bengali desserts are a delight to make and are heavenly in taste!